
This is my blog; where I share all of my thoughts. I address many topics but
mainly weight loss. Take a look around, learn who I am, and what drives me.

Typical Weekend

Sunday, July 28, 2013
I was so excited for school to be over so that I could have more free and family time. Well, I've been out of school for a month now and I still feel like I don't have enough time to get everything done. We spent yesterday at the beach, which means all of my housework was left until today.

We all had a nice time yesterday but it's very difficult for me to just sit and relax. I really don't know how to do that. Just another thing for me to work on. All in all, I had fun yesterday hanging out and talking with my mom. It's not every day I get to do that so it's always a good time.

So, because I was out yesterday, today I'm working on getting everything around the house done. However, I don't have the motivation to do anything. All I've managed to get done is the laundry and it's not completely finished. I just don't want to do any of it.

Isn't Sunday supposed to be the day of rest? Part of me would love to have a Sunday off but, then again, I wouldn't know what to do with it. I'm hoping this work week is an easy week so I can get more housework done. Let's face it....I'm probably not going to finish my housework today anyway.

This is a typical weekend for me so it's nothing new. I'm one boring person, huh? It's ok, you can say it. :) Tomorrow is the fresh start of my routine in which everything else is going to take a back seat to my health. That's right - it's time I start taking better care of myself and it all starts with proper diet and exercise.

If there's anyone who doesn't like it, they can stand behind me and kiss my ass. That's all there is to it. I have a goal and I'm going to work hard to make sure I don't get derailed again. Time for me to get going on something. I can't just sit here.


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